===================== 主格、宾格与所有格 ===================== 所有格名词和所有格代词 ============================ 两者都表示所有,用以回答whose引导的问句。 所有格形容词必须放于名词之前,只能做定语。 所有格代词不能用在名词之前,单复数一致。 名词的所有格可以在词尾加上 ``'s`` 构成,可做定于和表语。 +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ | 人称代词主格 | I | you | he | she | it | one | we | the | +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ | 人称代词宾格 | me | you | him | her | it | one | our | them | +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ | 复数形式 | | | | | | ones | | | +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ | 所有格形容词 | my | your | his | her | its | | our | their | +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ | 所有格代词 | mine | yours | his | hers | | | ours | theirs | +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ | 反身代词 | myself | yourself | himself | herself | itself | | ourselves | htemselves | +--------------+--------+----------+---------+---------+--------+------+-----------+------------+ .. _the-double-genitive: 双重所有格 =========================== ``'s`` 的所有格也可以用于 ``of`` 结构之后。 例如: ``a friend of my father's`` 意思是我父亲许多朋友之一。 双重所有格的原因是一个名词前面通常只有一个限定词。不能用 ``a`` 和 ``my`` 来同时修饰 friend。 ``He is a friend of mine.`` 比 ``He is my friend.`` 更加常用。后者含有 “他是我的一个特殊的朋友” 之意。 .. _the-rule-of-genitive-nouns: 名词所有格规则 =================== 1. 单数名词以及不以 ``s`` 结尾的人名后加 ``'s`` :: a child's words. Tom's new job. 2. 以 ``s`` 结尾的单数名词后面加 ``'s`` :: a waitress's job 3. 规则复数名词之后直接加 ``'`` :: boys' school 4. and 连接的两个人名,在第二个人名上加 ``'s`` :: John and Mary's child. 5. 另一种双重所有格用法 :: My brother's neighbour's sister is a nurse. 6. 以 ``s`` 结尾的人名后面应该加上 ``'s``,也可以只加 ``'`` :: Mr. Jones'/Jones's car. 7. 有些无生命的物体后面也可以用所有格,例如与时间有关的 :: a day's work 一天的工作 a month's salary 一个月的薪水 a week or two's time 一两周时间 8. 表示值多少钱可以用所有格 :: tow pounds' worth of bread 两英镑的面包