===================== 第二册词汇 ===================== .. contents:: :depth: 2 ---- Lesson 3 =============== friendly 是 ``-ly`` 结尾,但它是一个形容词。 类似的形容词还有: - brotherly - fatherly - manly - lovely - motherly Lesson 5 No wrong numbers ====================================== service 作为不可数名词的时候用于表示旅馆、参观以及商店对顾客的接待或者服务。 作为可数名词的时候表示为帮助他人所采取的服务或者所做的工作。 :: The service in that hotel is quite good. You have done me a great service. 课文中的 service 意思是 ”业务“、”公共事业“等等。这类的用法一般有: :: The mail service 邮政业务 The telephone service 电话业务 A travel service 旅行社 A news service 通讯社 service 既可以指公共事业的业务,也可以指办理这些业务的机构。 spare 抽出时间、让给、饶恕、赦免、多余的 :: I cannot spare the time. 我花不起时间 I have no time to spare. 我没有时间。 I cannot buy spare parts for this car. 我买不起这辆车的备件。(用做形容词) There is a spare room in the house. 用做形容词 The robbers spared his life. 饶恕,宽恕。 Lesson 7 Too late ====================================== keep guard 守望、警戒,与 stand guard(站岗、放哨)意思相近 to their surperise 令他们吃惊的是。 their 可以换成 my/his 等等所有格。但一般不会换成 your Lesson 8 The best and the worst ====================================== every构成的合成词本身被看做单数形式。 :doc:`indefinite-pronoun` Lesson 9 The best and the worst ====================================== strike 的基本含义是“打”、“击”。用于钟、乐器的时候也有“敲”、“弹”之意。 :: She struck the man in the face. When I entered the room, the clock struck five. Lesson 10 Not for jazz ====================================== 与被动形式的 made 连用的几个介词。 made in 表示产地或者生产时间。 :: This bike was made in China. The clavichord was made in 1681. made by 表示制作人,由谁来制造。 :: This skirt was made by Mary. made of 表示用某种材料制成,通常指制成之后不改变材料原来的性质或者形状 :: This chair is made of wood. made from 表示用数种材料制成,通常指制成之后改变了材料原来的性质或者形状 :: Paper can be made from wood. Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another ========================================== salary 和 wage salary 可以译为薪资,薪水,通常指职员或者脑力劳动者按月支付的比较固定的收入。 :: My salary is paid on the 28th of the month. wage 可以译为工资,工钱,通常指技工或者体力劳动者按周或者按天支付的报酬。wage 一般使用复数形式 wages。 :: When I worked as a waiter, the wages were low and the tips were good. borrow 和 lend borrow 的意思是借入,经常与 from 连用 :: He borrowed my pen yesterday. Can I borrow $20 form you please? lend 的意思是“把……借给”,“借出”,经常与 to 连用 :: He refused to lend any money to Tom. Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck ========================================== be + 副词构成表语,be 与副词连用表达的意思与副词本身不同。 :: be back = 返回 return be on = 播放,演出,表演 perform be in = 在,出席 present be away = 离开 absent be out = 出去 be over = 结束 set + 副词构成短语动词。 :: set out 出发动身 Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock. set off 出发,启程 I will set off for home the day after tomorrow. set up 创立,创建(记录) Has Tim set up a new world record? Mr. Jackson has set up a school in the village. Lesson 14 Do you speak English? ===================================== in 表示一个大范围中的某个地方使用 in :: After I had left a small village in the south of France, ... 表示使用某种语言作为交际手段的时候使用 in :: That book is written in German. 表示讲某种语言的时候可以不使用介词 in :: Speak English/French lift 搭便车,免费搭车 :: I stopped and he asked me for a lift. Lesson 15 Good News ========================================== Nervous 和 Irritable :: Nervous 表示紧张不安 Examinations makes me nervous. Irritable 表示易怒。 He is such an Irritable person. Office Study Desk :: There are six people in our office. 办公室 The living room is next to the study. 书房 My desk covered with books. 书桌 Afford :: Will you bu this car? I can't afford 7000. You can afford this model. I can't afford the time. 没时间 Lesson 16 A polite request ============================================ Police 指代警察群体,为复数形式。单数形式可以使用 policeman 或者 policewoman :: The police are looking for him. There are police everywhere. Tom's sister is a policewoman. Pay attention to/Care/Take care of/Look after :: Please pay attention to the blackboard. 注意,集中注意力 I don't care if he breaks his neck! 在意,在乎 I'll take care of/look after it while you are on holiday. 担心,担忧 Remind/Remember :: I reminded him to post my letter. 提醒 I remembered to post your letter. 记起 Remember me to your mother. 代为问候 One/You 在英语中代指每个人/任何人 :: One must be careful these days. You must be careful therse days. One must never tell lies. You must never tell lies. fail :: Why did the plan fail? 失败,不及物动词 I hope I haven't failed in the French test. 不及格,不及物动词 The teacher said he woruld faile me if I don't work hard. 使……不及格,及物动词 He failed to finish his work in time. 未能……,不能…… (后接不定式) Don't fail to post the letter for me. Lesson 17 Always young =============================================== “数字+years old”做表语 :: My father is fifty-seven years old now. “数字+-year-old”做定语 :: Last week, my four-year-old daughter, Sally, was in-vited to a children's party. in spite of :: 尽管,不管 as 的不同用法 :: I cannot come as i am busy. 作为连词,表示原因 As I was leaving the houst, the postman brought a letter. 作为连词,正当……时候 Do as you are told. 作为连词,以……方式 He works as an engineer. 作为介词,以……身份 Dress/Suit/Costume :: My sisiter brought a new dress yesterday. 连衣裙 My brother never wears ready-made suits. 套装 All the actors wore fifteenth-century costumes. 服装 Lesson 18 He often does this! =============================================== **beside 和 besides** beside 在旁边,在附近 :: Come and sit beside us. There is a chiair beside the door. beides 并且,此外,除了还有(except) :: She has so much else todo besides. There were a lot of people at the party besides us. **give 的固定搭配** give back 归还 give away 赠送 give in 上交 give in 屈服,让步 give up 放弃,抛弃 give up 交出,让出 Lesson 19 Sold out =============================================== sell out :: 固定短语,售完 what a pity! :: 表示可惜的感叹句 may as well :: 还不如,无审查表现,和 might as well 可以互换使用 Shall we walk or take a bus? We may/might as well walk. exclaim :: 由于痛苦、愤怒、惊奇、惊喜而叫喊、惊叫 When she saw the gift, she exclaimed in delight. 表示抗议的大声喊叫 She exclaimed against the rudeness of the young man.