

  1. 专心聊天,活在当下。

  2. 别好为人师,倾听别人的观点。

  3. 开放式问题,给对方更多回答空间。


  4. 顺其自然,表达你心中的想法。

  5. 实事求是,不知为不知。

  6. 在对方谈论自己时,不要用自己的经历去类比别人。

  7. 不要重复相同的事情。

  8. 少说废话,在非专业交流中,对方关心的是彼此而不是无用的细节。

  9. 认真倾听,为理解对方而倾听,而非为回应!。

  10. 简明扼要。


  1. Be present , Be in that moment

  2. Assume that you have sth. to learn

  3. Use opening questions. If u put it into a complicated question , u will get a simple answer out. “Were you terrify?” “Were you angry?””What was that like?””How did that feel?”

  4. Let them come and let them go.

  5. If you don’t know, say it. Talk should not be cheap.

  6. Don’t equip your experience with theirs. It’s not the same. It is never the same. All their experiences are individual, And more importantly it is not about you. You don’t need take that moment to prove how amazing you are, or how much you suffered .

  7. Try not repeat yourself.

  8. Forget about the details, the year the names…leave them out. What they caring about is you. What’s you like. What’s you have in common.

  9. Listen.(We get distracted,The average person talks about 225 words per min. But we can listen add up to 500 words per min, So our minds are fill in those other 275 words.)”Most of us don’t listen with intend to understand . We listen with intend to reply

  10. Be brief. A good conversation is like a miniskirt; short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.

Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and most importantly , be prepared to be amazed.


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.

A good conversation is like a miniskirt: short enough to retain interest, but long enough to cover the subject.